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The Way, the Truth & the Life Series

Catholic Religious Education teaching and learning resources used in Australia, Canada, Cayman Islands, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Gibraltar, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Scotland, Spain, South Africa, Switzerland, Thailand and Wales.



to support teachers
in Catholic schools

The Way, The Truth and The Life (WTL) is a programme for children from EYFS up to students in Y9 (aged 3-14). Each year group’s resource contains scripture from the Old and New Testaments, explanations of the sacraments and the Mass. The programme has progression and continuity; it is lavishly illustrated and contains stimulating activities for all abilities. A Teacher’s Book is available for each year group containing theological notes for the teacher, additional activities and ideas. There is an accompanying DVD or CD for each year group. The programme is also useful for sacramental preparation in parishes.

The Way, The Truth and The Life is available in book and digital format.

Catholic Religious Education Learning Resources

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✙ His Eminence Cardinal Vincent Nichols
Archbishop of Westminster

This site will link you to a group of teachers working hard to improve classroom RE, especially in Catholic schools. This ‘enterprise’ has my full support and encouragement. I hope this site will be a point of dynamic exchange of ideas, proposals, feedback and solutions.

Religious education in our schools has always been very challenging. There has been no ‘golden age’, (at least not in my life time!). There are plenty of challenges today; but there is also much good work being done. If you want to learn more, if you can contribute, then please come to this site often!
