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Book 2

Book 2


The Way, The Truth & The Life Series

Pupil's Book 2


  1. The Chosen People
  2. Mysteries (The Trinity)
  3. The Good News
  4. The Mass
  5. Eastertide
  6. The Church is Born

The Way, The Truth & The Life Series

Teacher's Book 2

Introduction, Overview of Syllabus, Methodology

For each module

  • Key Learning Objectives
  • Theological Notes
  • Points for discussion
  • Further activities
  • Display ideas
  • Suggestions for ICT
  • Prayer, liturgies
  • Worksheets to photocopy
  • Assessment tasks


The Way, The Truth & The Life Series

CD ROM Key Stage 1


  • Notes for Users
  • Overview of Syllabus
  • Assessment
  • Twenty-one Power Points
  • Twenty-five Pictures
  • Fourteen Worksheets
  • Video